JHersh Realty, LLC in Southwest Montana
Serving Bozeman, Three Forks, Belgrade, Manhattan, Butte, Anaconda and nearby communities.
“Jenny has been much more helpful than anyone else I’ve worked with.”
— Cody P.
Heat Your Home More Efficiently
As the subzero temperatures are on the horizon in Southwest Montana, we begin to brace ourselves for the heating bill. Here are a few ideas that may help retain the heat in our homes and increase efficiency.
• Install storm doors.
• Install door sweeps.
• Weather strip your doors.
• Weather strip your windows.
• Caulk around windows.
• Consider window coverings that insulate.
• Use foam outlet protectors.
• Check and consider adding to the insulation in your attic.
• Your furnace will function more efficiently if it has a new, clean air filter.
• Perform an energy audit. There are entities that will do this for you. Let me know if you need some recommendations.
What do you do to help make your home more heat efficient?
#efficientheat #conservation #jhersh #heatyourhome #bozemanrealestateexperts #homeinmontana
Time to Winterize Your Home
It’s still warm enough to work in the yard, but not for too much longer! Here is a helpful list of things you may want to do before winter arrives . . .
Test run your heating system, before you will need it. Take care of any maintenance, such as replacing the air filer. Consider hiring a professional to inspect your heating system. It is a good idea to check and clean vents and exhausts too.
Test or replace the batteries in your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.
If you have a fireplace, it’s time to clear obstructions from the chimney. In case an animal has made a nest, be certain that the material is thoroughly removed. Check the damper and chimney draft. Have the chimney cleaned and repair any open mortar joints.
We have some pretty cold winters here in Montana. Insulate exposed water pipes. Turn off outdoor faucets from their main water supply inside the house and drain the excess at the exterior. Flush and winterize your sprinkler system.
I like to remove the screens to clean the outside (and inside) of my windows one more time, before the snow flies.
Once all of the leaves have fallen, clean out the gutters and downspouts to limit ice buildup.
While you are up there, sneak a peak at the roof and make sure there aren’t any loose or missing shingles, etc.
You may also need to tend your garden, flower bed, prune hedges and trees before they lay dormant for a long winter’s nap.
The cool dry days of autumn are a great time to seal or stain wooden decks.
Put away patio furniture.
Drain the gas from your lawn mower and prepare your snowplow / blower so that it is ready for operation.
Am I forgetting anything? Let me know what you do to prepare your home for winter.
I will be sharing tips on how to make your home more heat efficient next week, stay tuned.
#homeinmontana #winterizemyhome #realestateagent #bozemanrealestateexperts #jhersh
Wildfire Smoke is Thick in SW MT
Regarding wildfire smoke, the last couple of years have been mild in Montana. Even most of this summer has been fairly clear. But the last few weeks . . . The smoke has really rolled in. Rough season for many. I think everyone is praying for snow right about now. I can’t imagine how thick the smoke is in Washington, Oregon and California. #wildfiresmoke #bozemanmt #belgrademt #manhattanmt #jhersh
It isn’t too late to sell your house this year . . .
2020 has come and nearly gone. Many plans have been X’d out of our calendar this year. Before you think you have to X out that meeting you had with your real estate agent, here are some reasons why you should actually keep that meeting:
The housing market is on the rise, meaning sellers need buyers. Meet with me, Jenny Hershberger, to find out how to enter this booming market.
Talk to me, your real estate agent, about #interestrates on mortgages — they’re at an all-time low and your real estate agent can help you find the best possible #mortgage.
What other tips do you have?
#jhersh #bozemanrealestateexperts #homeinmontana #belgraderealestate #threeforksrealestate #buyahome #sellmyhouse
What to Ask Your Listing Agent
Thinking about selling your house? What should you ask a listing agent? Call Jenny today and find out more, 406-570-5869.
I am helping an out-of-state friend find a real estate agent to sell her house. She asked me what questions she should pose to a potential listing agent. Here are some questions that I suggested . . .
How much is the agent’s commission? The commission rate will be established in the listing agreement, between the seller and his/her listing agent, before the house is put on market. Typically, a REALTOR® is paid a percentage of the sales price. The seller does not pay an agent until the property is sold. The commission comes directly out of the proceeds of the sale and the title company disperses funds upon closing. All other real estate agents involved (buyer’s agent and referral agent) are paid out of the listing agent’s commission.
Will the agent provide a free comparable market analysis (CMA)? This helps to determine the market value of your property.
What is the average list-to-sale price for our market? In other words, how much is a house listed for compared to what it actually sells for?
What is the average days on market (DOM) for this type of property? It’s nice to have an idea of how quickly or slowly your market is moving. Knowing this helps you to gauge if your house is priced correctly. If it takes much longer than the average DOM for your house to sell, the property may be over priced.
What does the agent do to market the house? Or what is her/his marketing strategy?
You can ask your agent if they help with staging, or have some tips to prepare for showings and open houses.
Once the agent has walked through the house, you can invite him/her to give you feedback on how the house shows and if there is anything she/he suggests to make it more appealing to a buyer.
It may be helpful for you to be prepared for questions your agent may ask. Such as . . .
How much lead time would you like before a showing? Many people request 24 hours notice or night before notice. Some people are able to show their houses on short notice. It’s entirely up to you.
While state requirements regarding COVID will vary, your agent will probably ask what your level of comfort is and what type of precautions you expect showing agents to take. Some of the precautions you can request are requiring people to wear booties over shoes and socks, sanitize their hands before entering, put on fresh disposable gloves, wearing a mask... I know some listing agents who will go to a house before an appointment to turn on all the lights and make sure doors between rooms, to garage and basement are already open to minimize touching of surfaces. What is your listing agent willing to do? Most agents that I know already have stocks of masks, gloves, booties and sanitizer and will have these items at the front door with a sign explaining the requirements for entry.
Have questions of me? Give me a call today and let me know if you need help finding an agent. I service Livingston, Bozeman, Belgrade, Manhattan, Three Forks, Cardwell, Whitehall, Butte and Anaconda in Montana. I have great connections outside of those areas and would be honored to help you find an agent.
Move in Before Your Close Date?
I have a buyer who is under contract, scheduled to close on a house in Belgrade, MT at the end of this month. There was going to be a bit of a gap between her old house closing and this new one. Thankfully, the seller is graciously allowing my buyer to move into the new home before the closing date. We used an “Agreement to Occupy Prior to Closing Addendum” to determine expectations and responsibilities in writing. If you have questions about how this might help you, contact me today. #occupybeforeclosing #jhersh #homeinmontana #realestatebelgrademt #bozemanrealestateexperts #jennyhershbergerrealtor #buyahomeinmt
Jenny’s New Website
I would like to know what information would be helpful to you. Would you take a few minutes to look at my new website, https://www.jhersh.com, and let me know what you think? Tell me what you would like to see.
Gallatin Association of REALTORS® Market Stats
I always get a kick out of seeing what is happening in Gallatin County’s housing market. July’s statistics are crazy. Take a look for yourself . . . https://gallatinrealtors.com/news-menu/373-gallatin-county-real-estate-market-sees-increases-in-prices-and-sales-volume-tightening-inventory-of-available-homes.html
You Could Own a Home for What You are Paying in Rent
Have you done the math? Talked to your REALTOR®? Learn more today.
Have you done the math? Have you asked your REALTOR® questions? Spoken with a lender? Give Jenny a call today to learn more. #bozemanrealestateexperts #buyahome #stoprenting #jhersh #buymontana