JHersh Realty, LLC in Southwest Montana
Serving Bozeman, Three Forks, Belgrade, Manhattan, Butte, Anaconda and nearby communities.
“Jenny has been much more helpful than anyone else I’ve worked with.”
— Cody P.
Negotiating Written Buyer Agreements
National Association of REALTORS® has some helpful consumer guides. Take a look at their consumer guide for #negotiating written #buyeragreements . . . https://www.nar.realtor/sites/default/files/2024-09/consumer-guide-negotiating-written-buyer-agreements-2024-09-17.pdf
Listing Agreements
National Association of REALTORS® has some wonderful consumer guides to peruse. Take a look at their consumer guide for listing agreements . . . https://www.nar.realtor/the-facts/consumer-guide-listing-agreements
Veterans Buying Homes
Find out what veterans should know about buying a home.
Veterans are near and dear to my heart. I have family members and friends who have collectively served in every U.S. Military branch. I am extraordinarily grateful to receive the blessings that service members have bestowed.
As a REALTOR®, I have been honored to work with veterans in their home buying process. National Association of REALTORS® has a helpful resource that may answer some questions for veterans looking to purchase a home. If you have additional questions, or would like more information about buying home, contact Jenny Hershberger Bushman.
Make a Plan
Have a plan, in case of an emergency.
Do you and your household have a plan, in case of a natural disaster? Here is a great resource to help you get organized: https://www.ready.gov/plan-form.
Basic Disaster Supply Kit
Build a basic emergency supply kit, just in case.
Here is a great resource to help you put together a basic disaster supply kit, in case of an emergency. https://www.ready.gov/kit
Wildfire Preparedness
Wildfire preparedness in Southwest Montana.
If you live in Montana, it would be wise to prepare for wildfires. I have lived in Montana for about ten years. Wildfire season seems to start early to mid July and sometimes does not end until the snow falls. (Which I have seen as early as late August.) Ready.gov is a great resource to help you plan ahead, in case of a wildfire. Visit https://www.ready.gov/wildfires.
National Preparedness Month
Are you prepared for emergencies?
September is National Preparedness Month. Visit https://www.ready.gov for more information .
Vacant Lot for Sale
This vacant lot in Butte, MT is the perfect combination of quiet with the convenience of city amenities. Enjoy your slice of Montana. With expansive views of the Continental Divide to the east, Highland Mountains to the south and Timber Butte to the west.
Have you seen 3904 South Wyoming Street in Butte, Montana? It is a .123+/1 acre vacant lot in town. The seller is asking $45,000. Check out the city zoning. R-3 allows multi-family, manufactured and modular homes. Learn more.
Montana Property Tax Rebate
Montana property tax rebate. Don't miss out.
In case you haven’t heard. Montana is offering a property tax rebate. Check out the details . . . https://mtrevenue.gov/taxes/property-tax-rebate-house-bill-222/