EPA - Lead and Copper Rule

“On October 8th, the final ruling requires drinking water systems across the country to identify and replace lead pipes within 10 years. The Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) also require more rigorous testing of drinking water and a lower threshold requiring communities to take action to protect people from lead exposure in water. In addition, the final rule improves communication within communities so that families are better informed about the risk of lead in drinking water, the location of lead pipes, and plans for replacing them. This final rule is part of the President’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the country within a decade, making sure that all communities can turn on the tap and drink clean water (Montana State Environmental Laboratory).” For more information visit https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/lead-and-copper-rule

Jenny Hershberger

I am a published author, free lance photographer and communication designer. I deeply enjoy learning from new people. Exploring cultures, including various colors, aromas, cuisines, traditions . . . have always intrigued me. My love for traveling and enjoying God's creation is a huge part of my existence. My background in marketing and passion for people have led me onto a path as a real estate agent. My knowledge of the marketing business allows me to give clientele a custom package, giving one's property an edge above the competition.

Read about some of my travels at www.BeyondRoadSigns.com. Purchase my book at www.SingleAndContent.com.

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