JHersh Realty, LLC in Southwest Montana

Serving Bozeman, Three Forks, Belgrade, Manhattan, Butte, Anaconda and nearby communities.


“Jenny has been much more helpful than anyone else I’ve worked with.”

— Cody P.

Jenny Hershberger Jenny Hershberger

I Love Hearing From People . . .

I enjoy hearing from people. Tell me, what is something in your home that you can’t imagine living without?

Tell me, what is something in your home that you couldn’t live without?

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Jenny Hershberger Jenny Hershberger

Contact Jenny

Thinking of buying a home in Montana? Contact #JennyHershbergerBushman today.

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jhersh Jenny Hershberger jhersh Jenny Hershberger

Now With . . .

REALTOR® Jenny Hershberger Bushman is now with RE/MAX Legacy in Bozeman, MT.

An exciting announcement. My former brokerages, Bozeman Real Estate Experts and RE/MAX Realty Group, have joined forces and are now known as RE/MAX Legacy. Officially, as of 1st of August 2023.

Yesterday was our first office meeting as RE/MAX Legacy. It felt great! Like a family reunion, coming together.

Bear with me as I rebrand my platforms, materials, etc. If you have any questions, give me a holler.

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