JHersh Realty, LLC in Southwest Montana

Serving Bozeman, Three Forks, Belgrade, Manhattan, Butte, Anaconda and nearby communities.


“Jenny has been much more helpful than anyone else I’ve worked with.”

— Cody P.

buyer Jenny Hershberger buyer Jenny Hershberger

Interesting Information

This information is provided by Big Sky MLS, out of Gallatin County, Montana. Based on information provided by real estate agents, regarding their sales in 2023 and 2024. It is a residential sales recap representing the number of homes purchased in Montana by out of state buyers. Take it with a grain of salt

This information is provided by Big Sky MLS, out of Gallatin County, Montana. Based on information provided by real estate agents, regarding their sales in 2023 and 2024. It is a residential sales recap representing the number of homes purchased in Montana by out of state buyers. Take it with a grain of salt: https://jumpshare.com/v/ho8I6vdrMAZTVcb3Q0Mn.

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