JHersh Realty, LLC in Southwest Montana

Serving Bozeman, Three Forks, Belgrade, Manhattan, Butte, Anaconda and nearby communities.


“Jenny has been much more helpful than anyone else I’ve worked with.”

— Cody P.

Jenny Hershberger Jenny Hershberger

EPA - Lead and Copper Rule

“Final ruling requires drinking water systems across the country to identify and replace lead pipes within 10 years.”

“On October 8th, the final ruling requires drinking water systems across the country to identify and replace lead pipes within 10 years. The Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) also require more rigorous testing of drinking water and a lower threshold requiring communities to take action to protect people from lead exposure in water. In addition, the final rule improves communication within communities so that families are better informed about the risk of lead in drinking water, the location of lead pipes, and plans for replacing them. This final rule is part of the President’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the country within a decade, making sure that all communities can turn on the tap and drink clean water (Montana State Environmental Laboratory).” For more information visit https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/lead-and-copper-rule

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buyer Jenny Hershberger buyer Jenny Hershberger

Interesting Information

This information is provided by Big Sky MLS, out of Gallatin County, Montana. Based on information provided by real estate agents, regarding their sales in 2023 and 2024. It is a residential sales recap representing the number of homes purchased in Montana by out of state buyers. Take it with a grain of salt

This information is provided by Big Sky MLS, out of Gallatin County, Montana. Based on information provided by real estate agents, regarding their sales in 2023 and 2024. It is a residential sales recap representing the number of homes purchased in Montana by out of state buyers. Take it with a grain of salt: https://jumpshare.com/v/ho8I6vdrMAZTVcb3Q0Mn.

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buyer Jenny Hershberger buyer Jenny Hershberger

Vacant Lot for Sale in Butte, MT

This vacant lot in Butte, MT is the perfect combination of quiet with the convenience of city amenities. Enjoy your slice of Montana. With expansive views of the Continental Divide to the east, Highland Mountains to the south and Timber Butte to the west.

Check out the views from 3904 South Wyoming Street in Butte, Montana. It is a .123+/- acre vacant lot, in town. Check out the city zoning. R-3 allows multi-family, manufactured and modular homes. Learn more.

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Jenny Hershberger Jenny Hershberger

Wire Fraud

Here is a helpful guide from Title One, a Title and Escrow Co. on how to avoid wire fraud . . .

Cybercriminals constantly seek victims to wire them compensation, sales proceeds, or deposits. Real estate transactions are especially vulnerable. Here are steps to protect your money.

Call Before Sending Money:

  • Do not wire money without calling us, TitleOne, to confirm wiring instructions.

  • Call us if you are suspicious. Be wary of emails asking for money early or for part of the money needed to close. Don't trust an email that changes, updates, or "re-sends" wire instructions.

  • Call your financial institution after you have talked to us. Confirm that they have the correct information.

Call After Sending

  • Call us after sending your money to make sure we received it.

  • Staying in touch with your escrow officer is the best way to avoid problems.

Act Immediately if Something Seems Wrong

  • Contact your financial institution. Ask your bank to contact the bank where the wire was sent.

  • Contact your local Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) office – the FBI works with other agencies and might be able to return or freeze the funds.

  • File a complaint online with the FBI at https://bec.ic3.govOpens in a new tab.

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